Child Support

The amount and duration of child support in New Jersey is governed by state law, and is based on the parent’s incomes. The actual calculation of income is straightforward in many cases. However, there are numerous situations in which the income numbers are adjusted. There is an adjustment for health care expenses paid. There is an adjustment for childcare expenses paid. There is an adjustment depending on the number of days of visitation (overnights) that the non-custodial parent exercises. There is an adjustment for split custody. There is an adjustment for the age of the child. There are adjustments made for other children of the parent’s relationship and children from their subsequent relationships. There is also an adjustment for children in college. Most of these adjustments are factored into the New Jersey Child Support worksheet. Other adjustments (such as child support to be paid during college) have to be calculated or negotiated outside of the worksheet. As you can see, what may appear to be a simple calculation can actually require multiple adjustments to arrive at the proper child support number.

If you need help calculating child support, or if you already paying or receiving child support and you need to increase or decrease the level of child support you can contact my office to get help with calculating the right number.

If you have any questions about child support in New Jersey feel free contact my office to discuss the facts of your unique situation. I have been handling child support cases, primarily in Bergen, Hudson, Passaic and Essex counties for over 20 years. I can be reached via e-mail, or via telephone (toll-free at (844) 431-3380). The consultation is free, and we will discuss al pertinent issues to help you arrive at a proper child support number.

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